Enrolments are currently OPEN.Note: To be eligible for enrolment your child must turn 5 years of age by 30th APRIL 2026. |
Enrolment forms are available here or from the school office. | |
School Tours March : Monday 24th, 31st – 9:30am May : Monday 5th, 12th, 19th – 9:30am Please call 9308 6177 to book in a tour time. Information Sessions Tuesday 29th April – 9:30am Wednesday 30th April – 7:00pm |
Pre-enrolment conversations will be booked as soon as possible once you have submitted your enrolment form. | |
A confirmation of enrolment will be sent to families following the Pre-enrolment conversation. | |
Orientation activities will be conducted in Terms 3 and 4 (dates to be advised). |
For all enquiries please contact the School Office on 9308 6177 or email: enrolments@gsroxburghpark.catholic.edu.au
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see link below to download the 2025 Enrolment FAQ document.
If you would like more information or have any questions about your child’s enrolment please contact our School Registrar, Danielle Kellett on 9308 6177 or via email enrolments@goodsam.catholic.edu.au.
School Tours
Bookings are essential for School tours.
Please contact the School Office on 9308 6177 to book a tour.
Pre-enrolment Conversation
The purpose of the pre-enrolment conversation is to confirm the information provided on the Enrolment Form and to start the process of getting to know your child and family.
We work from the understanding that the more we know about your child before starting school, the better we can prepare to meet his/her needs.
Provision of Accurate Information
It is vitally important that the school is made aware of each child’s individual circumstances insofar as these may impact upon his or her physical, functional, emotional or educational needs, particularly where the school is required to provide additional support to the child.
Parents and guardians must provide accurate and up to date information when completing an enrolment form and must supply the school, prior to enrolment, any additional information as may be requested, including copies of documents such as medical/specialist reports (where relevant to the child’s schooling), reports from previous schools, court orders or parenting agreements. Provision of requested documentation is regarded as a condition of enrolment, and enrolment may be refused where a parent/guardian has unreasonably refused to provide requested information or knowingly withheld relevant information from the school.
Where, during the course of a child’s enrolment, new information becomes available that is material to the child’s educational and/or safety/wellbeing needs, it is a term of the child’s continuing enrolment that such information is provided to the school promptly.
Confirmation of Enrolment
A Confirmation of enrolment letter will be sent to the family following the receipt of an Enrolment Form and pre-enrolment conversation. This will include Acceptance and Confirmation of Place documentation.
The School Enrolment Policy determines the priority order by which the offers of enrolment will be made.
Transition to Good Samaritan
The next step is ensuring a positive transition to Good Samaritan for your child.
We will offer you and your child opportunities to attend school as part of our transition program. This is designed to support both you and your child preparing for starting school in 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see link below to download the 2025 Enrolment FAQ document.
Want to Know More?
Please contact the School Office on 9308 6177 if you would like more information or have any questions about your child’s enrolment application.